American Family
Trillion in debt and counting
Welcome to Dare Question

Let's dare to change

Washington is mostly filled with men with pussies. No balls and no brains to do what is right. Either it is blind party puppetry or no courage to make the right choices for the people.

Let's dare to reason ... dare to question ... and dare to change. Let's dare to make a better world for us and our children. Let's not just sit and hope and pray that the pussies in Washington will do what is right of us and for our children.

Let's fight for the change that we deserve and make the pussies in Washington gather up their balls to do what is right for all of us.
Who do our leaders work for?

Latest News

We, the People, need change

The American Crises

America is plagued by multiple simultaneous crises. Instead of focusing on the crises that 330 million Americans face our leaders are busy impeaching each other, putting each other in jail or supporting the bombing of other countries.

Income Inequality

The top 1% in America owns as much wealth as the bottom 90% in America. The government is in debt ... the people are in debt ... but corporations make hundreds of billions in profit every year. This is what "Establishment Monopoly" facilitates.

Non-Stop Wars

Despite multiple crises back home ... our leaders are busy financing non-stop wars in other countries ... sending hundreds of billions of taxpayer money abroad when we need it the most in America for American citizens.


About 100,000 American citizens die every year due to drug overdose. Instead of ending this drugs epidemic in America our leaders are busy legalizing additional drugs like Marijuana in our society.

Climate Change

Instead of working on the already existing multiple crises in the country, our leaders are trillions more to the debt by spending trillions on the Climate Change propaganda. Climate Change is real but it doesn't need trillions of our taxpayer money.
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Stuff that our politicians don't talk about

The ground level reality

Drugs Overdose


Americans die per year due to drug overdose

Gun Violence


Americans die per year due to gun violence

Health Insurance

27 Million

Americans don't have any health insurance

Health Insurance


Americans die per year due to lack of health insurance

Debt Crisis

$33.5 Trillion

in National Debt

Home Mortgage

$12.6 Trillion

in Home Mortgage Debt

Student Loan

$1.77 Trillion

in Student Loan Debt

Multiple Jobs

8 Million

Americans work on 2 or more jobs to make ends meet