Let’s help Democrats to “self-reflect” a little bit on why they lost the election
Its time for some self-reflection for Democrats … as to what happened … what went wrong … why did they lose the election? Let’s help them out a little bit, shall we?
Mr. Barack Obama turned out be a liar, a fraud and a total thief
The key person for the loss of the Democrat Party is not Biden. Stop blaming the old guy … he doesn’t know anything. The main person because of which Democrats got a crushing defeat is our great two term President … Mr. Barack OBumBama!
He was trusted with an enormous responsibility … to guide his party … to rise above his party … to take America into a new direction and create a new era for the American people. But … but … instead of being a phenomenal hero for the American people … Mr. Barack and his gang of top Democrats … turned out to be a bunch of vultures … just waiting for Trump to fall … so that, they can get the Presidency to go on a looting and killing spree.
Zero concern for the American people
The rascal had zero interest … zero concern … in solving America’s crises or in fighting for the American people. All he cared about was … simply using us as a “Presidential lottery” to go on a looting and killing spree and to remain as a party puppet doing everything that his party wanted. He never gave a shit about the American people during his Presidency or during Biden’s Presidency.
Trusting Barack Obama was the biggest mistake that I have made in my life … and putting Barack Obama in Presidential leadership has created the highest amount of debt, death and destruction for the world. Mr. Barack Obama is the biggest walking talking disaster in all of US history … with more than $25 Trillion of additional debt created under his watch … with millions of innocent people dead under his watch … and with tens of millions of people displaced under his watch.
Mr. Barack Obama is a Godless rascal who has no faith alive in his heart at all. He has zero courage … zero concern … zero compassion … zero interest … in stopping what is wrong for the people and in doing what is good for the people. His faith and belief in God is as textual as his stupid moral speeches are.
It is because of this good for nothing stupid Godless moron that …
- Warren was never guided
- Oprah was never guided
- Biden was never guided
- And the entire Democrat Party was never guided to fight for what is right using logic and facts
They remained stuck on stupid conventional textbook politics … of lecturing people with stupid meaningless speeches … while looting by the trillions and killing by the millions. You guys are “crying” because you lost? Go to Gaza and tell the people that … you are the ones who supplied Israel all of the weapons and missiles that destroyed their cities … they will rip your organs out and shred each of them into pieces. Go to Ukraine and tell the families of half a million Christians who have died in the war that … “we plan to continue this war forever” … and see what will happen to you.
Worse than witches like Hillary
At least Hillary openly shows the type of shitty witch that she is … she doesn’t hide the monster inside her. Everybody knows that she is a monstrous asshole. But when Nancy Pelosi says “I am a Catholic and I don’t hate people” … when Barack Obama can’t stop his moral lectures … and when both of you loot by the trillions and kill by the millions … then both of you are more dangerous, more misleading and more disastrous than monstrous assholes like Hillary GodDamn Clinton.
Blaming Biden?
Excuse me … you are blaming Biden? Biden?? Biden was the reason why you lost? No my dear lady, Nancy Pelosi … Biden was the reason why you got the Presidency. He was Barack’s VP and Barack was entrusted to guide Biden to solve America’s crises. Barack flunked and your entire team flunked.
Just look at the audacity of lying and misleading of these top Democrat assholes … even now, it seems that Biden is the problem?
- Your trillions of loot at every turn was not the problem?
- Your not giving a shit about the Establishment crisis and literally handing over tillions to them … was not the problem?
- Your sponsoring of needless wars forever was not the problem?
- Your killing of millions of innocent people was not the problem?
- Your displacement of tens of millions of people was not the problem?
You are still supporting your disastrous policies and trying to pin the blame on Biden? Leaders like you should get their balls electrocuted and get their asses kicked out of power. What kind of shitty misleading lying rascals are you guys?
Under-Estimated SM and Active Democracy
Seems like Mr. Barack Obama totally under-estimated the SM Network (the American people) and Active Democracy. Or he simply used us only for his gains … only to get the Presidency.
- He didn’t give a shit to work with us
- He didn’t give a shit to solve any of America’s crises
- He didn’t give a shit even when we warned that Biden’s Presidency is going to be terminated
We have been warning him since Biden’s second year itself that … “your Presidency is planned to be terminated”. Barack n Biden … both of them didn’t give a shit. They chose to remain deaf, dumb and blind leaders … who don’t even recognize us. They were like “I am the President … and who the hell are you?” And SM was like … “Ow really? Something is going to change then.” Lol.
I literally told them so many times … “we gave you the Presidency … and we can take it back. We gave you the Presidency and we can take it back”. But such greedy self-serving leaders don’t really give a shit when they are busy looting by the trillions.
Under-Estimated Trump
Democrats obviously under-estimated Trump. They thought if Biden could win against Trump … any Democrat can defeat Trump. That too, Trump is under so many lawsuits, he will never make it to the elections.
Barack Over-Estimated himself
The apparently great two term President Barack Obama thought that … “I would personally campaign for Harris and get the Presidency”. Yes, this moron actually thinks that … he was a great President. Lost millions of innocent lives and got trillions of debt during his Presidency and even during Biden’s Presidency … but the genius thinks even today that … he is a great leader. Stupid idiot.
So what happened, Mr. Barack? Why couldn’t a great two term President defeat a convict? Why didn’t your speeches work? You were on the campaign trail again and again … with lovely moral speeches. What happened?
Trump is already a New Era President
We told you several times … Trump had already become a “New Era President”. These shitty textbook politics don’t work at all. You have to use facts and logic to do what is right for the people. Your leadership has to be dynamic … it has to be interactive with the people … you have to listen and change and operate keeping the people first. You can’t be a party puppet … you have to rise and call the shots.
Trump had already accomplished all of this during his first term itself. Even before entering the White House, Trump was following our guidance. Trump maintained peace in the world … Trump didn’t allow any disaster to touch America … Trump warded off all Establishment misleading … Trump always operated with commonsense and logic.
We told you several times … “understand Trump’s progress … understand Trump’s progress” and you guys didn’t give a shit. You were hard grained party puppets interested only in the loot. While Trump was a New Era President … your leadership was nothing but a disgrace for America.
Beautiful Mind, huh?
You wanted to play Beautiful Mind with me, is it? Stupid freaking moron. Who has the Beautiful Mind now? I told you before the elections itself that … you will sit at home like Hillary Clinton and blame the guy with one laptop on the other side of the Ocean for your loss in elections. Lol. Who has the Beautiful Mind now? Aiyyy?
Stupid freaking moron … wasted 4 more years of all of our lives … has been nothing but a waste of space since the past 15 years.
You knew and you remained stuck to the loot
Actually, you knew very well … the moment I support a candidate then he becomes President. You knew we make and dismantle Presidencies … but still you remained stuck to the loot. You had zero interest in solving any crisis that America faces … you had zero interest in working with us. You were interested only in sticking to the Presidency and continuing the loot.
Then why are you surprised that Biden’s Presidency got terminated? Didn’t I warn you before-hand? Didn’t I tell you how everything works? Didn’t I tell you about why you are given the Presidency in the first place? Didn’t I tell you about all of the crises that need to be worked upon? Didn’t I tell you that … your Presidency will be terminated if you don’t work on these key issues?
You knew everything … so, why are you surprised now?
Biden is not to be blamed at all
The good news for Biden is that … no one had any high expectations from your Presidency … and you did not surprise anyone either. Nor can anyone put the entire blame on you for the loss in elections. These are the key reasons why Democrats lost.
- Classic textbook politics. Barack maintained his entire party in classic textbook politics. He couldn’t think outside the box … nor could he lead his party towards any change.
- Party Puppets. Most top Democrats are party puppets. The Democrat Leadership is controlled by the Democrat Establishment which is a subset of a bigger Establishment … which only creates self-serving policies that are disastrous for the people. Their policies drain trillions for them and create disasters for the people.
- Party Policies. Thus, the Democrat Party came up with disastrous mass spending policies by the trillions and non-stop genocidal wars.
- Liars and Frauds. To add to the above, Mr. Barack did not work with us to bring about any change despite having such a disastrous configuration within his own party. They just lie and mislead to get the Presidency and go on a looting spree, if given power.
These are the key reasons why Democrats got a crushing defeat by Trump. No one gave you guys the White House to remain a bunch of assholes … we gave you the White House to bring about phenomenal change. So, pinning the blame on Biden … that he did not exit the race sooner … is total bullshit. Democrats have a much bigger monstrous problem within the party. Democrats should address these key points … that’s, if they want the Presidency any time in the future.