Most top Democrats are self-serving greedy party puppets who have zero concern for the American people
Anyone who wants to criticize Trump … if you can’t hold it in that … Trump is back in power and you want to start criticizing Trump … then this is what you should realize. Most top Democrats are stupid morons … who are nothing but self-serving greedy party puppets who have zero concern for the American people. And this includes … Mr. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton and gang.
This is the second page that should help Democrats “self-reflect” on why they lost in every single battle-ground State and in every single voting group.
A bunch of thieves … liars and frauds … obsessing over sex … busy looting trillions
Mr. Barack Obama and his entire gang are a bunch of thieves … who obsess over sex … ignore the crises that the American people face … and keep themselves busy in looting by the trillions and killing by the millions. We told them hundreds of times “private life doesn’t matter … nobody gives a shit about your sex or private life … focus on the crises that the people face … fight for the people … bring change for the people.” But our lovely Barack Obumma and his gang was hooked up on sexual garbage. Why?
- Image Management. When I ask them to work on the people’s crises … dismantle Establishment and create a new era for the people … then they use sexual garbage as an excuse not to work with me. They have to justify not working with me in their friend circle. Thus the use of sexual garbage.
- Stuck to the loot. And when they don’t work with me … they simply stick to their program of looting by the trillions at every turn and waging genocidal wars. Its not that … I am bad and they are good … and they are doing a phenomenal job out there. Lol. They are busy on a looting and killing spree.
I told them several times … this is not how things work. Everyone knows this bullshit scheme of yours and you will be rooted out of power if you continue on the same track and they didn’t give a shit. Mr. Barack Obama put his head in the sand when all of the mass spending was going on and when genocidal wars were being waged. He didn’t give a shit about stopping any disaster.
Did your sexual garbage help you?
So, what happened now? Did your sexual garbage help you? Did peeking in people’s private lives help you? Did it help you solve problems? Did it help you do anything better? Did it help you remain in power? Did you win the re-election?
The truth about your sexual garbage is that … it’s a total waste of time … its used to kill time … so that you don’t do what you are chosen for … and so that, you can continue on your loot and killings. That’s the actual truth about Mr. Barack Obama and gang’s use of sexual garbage.
Liars, frauds and thieves
The basic thing that anyone should understand about the current top Democrats is that … they are a bunch of liars, frauds and thieves … the assholes don’t give a shit about America or the American people. They are self-serving greedy rascals who give long moral science speeches. They don’t give a shit about the people.
Give long lectures on morals and deliver open loot and genocide
This is another truth about Barack, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and gang … they give long lectures on morals and principles … and then they deliver full scale open loot of the country and create genocide around the world. When its election time … they pretend to be high on morals and try to show that the other guy is not moral and not fit to lead. They think that people are a bunch of fools because … they mainly follow textbook politics … they are not practical and logical at all.
Used us as a “Presidential lottery” to go on a looting and killing spree
Right from the beginning, Mr. Barack and his gang of top Democrats had no intention of working with us … or in fighting for America and bringing about change. All of it was just a scam … to pull our support so that they can get the Presidency. Mr. Barack used us as a Presidential lottery only to go on a looting and killing spree.
You spent more than a $1 Billion … how much did I spend?
Kamala Harris spent more than $1 Billion in her election bid … how much did I spend? Zero dollars … I wrote a few pages and shot down a candidate who spent more than $1 Billion to become President. This is what happens when you stand there remaining deaf, dumb and blind … looting and killing people … remaining stuck on sexual bullshit … and don’t do shit for the people.
Non-stop disastrous leadership
These are just two levels of your lies and fraud … you lie and mislead the people … and remain a parasite on our work. What’s shocking and even more amusing about you assholes is that … you were going full speed for a second term. Despite all disasters and deaf, dumb and blind leadership … you blow your own horn, try to demonize the other candidate … and try to get one more term for yourself? You try to get one more term of deaf, dumb and blind leadership while remaining stuck on looting and killing?
Blaming Biden
If that wasn’t enough … your strategy when Trump wins is … blame Biden? Nothing was wrong with your deaf, dumb and blind leadership … nothing was wrong with your party puppetry … nothing was wrong with your trillions of spending … and nothing was wrong about your genocidal wars? Biden not stepping down early enough was the only problem that you see?
What’s surprising is that … the candidates whom America thought were the best and most moral candidates … Barack, Pelosi, Biden and Schumer … they turned out to be the worst lying, deceiving, self-serving greedy rascals that are possible.
The Democrat Party lacks leadership
The Republican Party has Trump … Trump fights for what is right using facts and logic … Trump fights to keep America first … Trump stops wars and tries to do what is right for the American people. We don’t have any candidate among the top Democrats who can lead the party right … who can use logic and facts … who can fight to do what is right … who can stand against the party and call the shots.
The Democrat Party lacks leadership … it lacks true leaders. Its top leadership is stacked with deaf, dumb and blind morons who only go on a looting and killing spree while remaining party puppets running all disasters that the party wants.
Before pointing at Trump … before resorting to any kind of anti-Trump activity … the Democrat party should first take a look what their adorable Barack n Biden have delivered for the American people and the world. You deserve a kick in the nuts if you speak against Trump while your own party has nothing but full scale loot and genocides in its record.
America needs a new creed of Democrat leaders
It’s a total waste of time of hoping, expecting and waiting for freaking Barack Obama to change and lead. The guy is a donkey tied to a pole who can’t do anything better than loot and disasters. He doesn’t have the talent or capacity to lead at all. America needs new Democrat leaders … leaders who can rise against blind party puppetry … leaders who can use facts and logic to decide independently what is right for the American people.
This is the current need in American politics … its immediately needed.