Barack Obama is a lost case
This is not about trashing Barack Obama … we have nothing against him at a personal level … but we always decide what’s best for the American people and America. Sometimes a person doesn’t know or he is misled … then we can guide him. This is not the case with Barack Obama.

He is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable person in the game about Establishment malice. But the key issues that hold him back are …

  • Hardcore Party Puppet. He is a hardcore party puppet … doesn’t matter how much you guide him, support him or empower him … he will always follow what the party says blindly.
  • BimboBang. The main reason for being a total party puppet is that … the party caught President Barack Obama with his pants down banging bimbos. Mr. BimboBang can’t let go off his pants and does whatever the party tells him to.
  • No balls n no brains. Thus the leadership that Barack provides is with “no balls n no brains” … whatever crap the party tells him to do … he will do. You can sit and reason with him for a hundred years with thousands of pages … but Mr. Barack will always do what the party orders him to do.

The only place where Mr. Barack will show courage is a place other than the party orders. He will allow all of the garbage policies of the party to continue and step forward to do something else that doesn’t disturb the party’s plans. That’s why you get long moral science speeches from Mr. Barack and total garbage and disasters in his actions.

Need to snap Barack out of party leadership
He is a nice guy who thinks nice but he is “locked” in party puppetry. The only way you can free Barack is by freeing him from the party’s clutches … is by freeing him from any kind of party leadership … is by freeing him from any kind of role in the party, as of now that is. In this current configuration, Barack cannot decide anything independently. Thus, we have to snap him out of the party leadership … dismantle and create new leadership in the party … and then Barack can have a role in the new party that will support logical and practical decisions.

Barack was not on the ticket
I know … some of you might be surprised as to why am I still trashing Barack Obama even when Democrats have lost in the election. Generally, I don’t waste time trashing the person once he is removed from power. The answer for you guys is that … you should note that … Barack was not on the ticket … it was Biden and Harris. Yes, Biden and Harris have lost … do you see me repeatedly trashing them now?

The main issue with the Democrat party was not Biden or Harris … but it is Barack Obama’s classic textbook leadership … that maintains candidates in party puppetry … that maintains blind leadership in the party … that maintains lack of reason and commonsense in action. It is this classic disastrous form of leadership that we have to dismantle in the Democrat party.

“Establishment control” in the Democrat party is the problem
As long as Barack will lead … as long as Barack will remain in top Democrat leadership … this classic party puppetry will not come to an end. Technically, our target is not Barack Obama at all … our target is the dismantling of the Establishment puppetry within the Democrat party. Trashing Barack … showing Barack’s party puppetry and disastrous actions & policies … are the means of dismantling Establishment control in the party.

For your kind information … Barack is not the only party puppet out there. The entire Obama gang … almost the entire top Democrat leadership including Barack, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Newsom … each and everyone is a hardcore party puppet. All of these are classic textbook politicians who bow to the party and do whatever shit is ordered them to do. Barack is a part of this gang of morons.

Doesn’t Barack know about Active Democracy?
Hell yes he knows … we told him about it during the Trump Presidency itself. When we failed Warren … we clearly told him … “to hell with party and Establishment puppetry … we have already activated a new form of democracy in America … you have to use logic and facts to do what is right for the people … you have to rise above the party and the Establishment misleading to make the right decisions … its only then that power will be given to you … its only then that power will be maintained in your hands.”

Warren knows … Oprah knows … Biden knows … Barack n Michelle know it right from the beginning. Barack Obama was informed about everything even before the Presidency was given to Biden … but the issue with him is that … the party has grabbed him by the balls and he probably loves the moolah that comes from the mass spending schemes of the party. Barack didn’t care about using commonsense … he didn’t care about using logic … he didn’t care about working with us … he only “scammed us” into trusting the Presidency with him.

Barack is a liar and a fraud
He used our entire operation as a ticket to the White House … to get the White House … to run party puppetry … and to go on a looting spree. We gave him a chance … we gave him the Presidency for a full 4 years … he only created loot and genocide for the world. Even till the last day of the Biden Presidency, he was bent on continuing party policies of loot & death and didn’t care to work with us … he was busy scrambling to get another 4 more years of this configuration.

In fact, I openly and clearly told Barack n Biden … “don’t blame me when you are rooted out from power … you have your own incompetence to be blamed for this”. I told them this during the Biden Presidency itself … they were too proud to change and too glad that they were able to scam us in giving the Presidency to them … and they were loving their looting spree via the Presidency.

Barack should work with and empower Michelle
Mr. Barack is a lost case. The only role that he can possibly have right now is to … gradually step away from the current party leadership … work from the backend … push, support and help leaders who will use commonsense and logic to fight for America … support leaders who will rise against the party’s stupidity and make decisions in favor of the people. Barack has to work with Michelle in playing this role.

Trump has already dismantled Establishment control in the Republican Party
I am not asking for too much … Trump has already done this in the Republican party. Its a job already completed in the Republican party and Trump will dominate and control the Republican party for as long as he is alive and he can use commonsense to decide what is right for the American people.

If Trump can follow guidance … if Trump can follow logic and commonsense … then why is Barack bent on remaining a moron and a puppet for all of his life? Why is he sticking to stupidity and disasters? Barack has to work tactically in this phase of change.

Trashing Barack has a bigger purpose out there. Barack is not the target at all … its the entire top Democrat leadership that has to be dismantled. Fresh blood who are not party puppets and who can prove that they can rise above party puppetry and Establishment misleading have to be brought to the top in the Democrat party.