By the way, why are you guys so concerned about me “trashing Barack Obama”? You think that, he wants to work with me and I am pushing him away by “cursing him”?

Firstly, I am not “cursing” him. I am just “describing” his leadership. These are not curses, these are “accurate descriptions” of his leadership.

Secondly, I am not exactly angry at him … that I am angrily cursing at him that he needs to worry about. I am just “concerned” about his leadership.

So, what you guys are reading out there are not angry curses at Obama … but they are more like “concerned descriptions” of Obama’s leadership.


Did you know that Barack loves the current configuration and he has no interest in changing anything? “Screw the American people, screw America … who cares what problems you have … I love my billions flowing from the Satanic Establishment … I love being in top Democrat leadership … why change anything?” This is Mr. Barack Obama.

So what America goes a trillion dollar in debt every year … so what genocidal wars are waged … so what we are close to a nuclear war with Russia … Mr. Barack doesn’t care … he has no intention of changing anything at all. Still wonder why I use “concerned descriptions” for Mr. Barack?

The candidate that we have empowered … put in top leadership … put in charge of the entire Democrat party … he doesn’t care at all. He is a lying fraud who simply cares for his own personal interests and doesn’t give a shit about the people. If he cared do you think he would sit there deaf, dumb and blind for a full 4 years under Biden not giving a shit? If he cared do you think he would ignore hundreds of calls to work with us to change America? If he cared do you think he would sit there hatch one excuse after another not to work with us and not to change anything at all?

I have some inside info on Mr. Barack that most of you don’t. I provide info “as and when needed”.

They self-destruct
The problem with these candidates that we are choosing to lead America is that … they self-destruct. They are given one in a billion chance to become President of the United States … they are given an opportunity to fight for America … solve the crises that the American people face … be phenomenal reformers and Presidents. But instead of doing all of that … they choose another route of full scale loot and killing … remain puppets of the party and not solve a single crisis … owing to which they self-destruct.

Selective Beliefs
These guys are selective in their beliefs … they selectively choose to remain ignorant about some topics. They believe only in those activities that benefit them and give them power … and then they choose to remain ignorant and ignore the responsibilities that they are chosen for. Not only Barack … but even Trump self-destruct to some extent.

What do they believe in?
They love to believe and understand whatever that benefits them …

  • They believe that I make Presidents
  • They believe that when I write in their favor, they get support, rise in polls and become President

They choose to remain ignorant and ignore why they are being given the Presidency …

  • They will ignore working against Establishment monopoly
  • They will ignore solving America’s crises
  • They will ignore how SM operates
  • They will ignore the use of logic and facts
  • They will ignore making any great changes for the people

Mr. Barack Obama loves only getting the Presidency for himself or for his party … that’s the only thing that he loves and uses our work for. Rest everything he will ignore and not give a shit about. Once he gets the Presidency … he will remain a puppet of the party … go on a full-scale looting and killing spree as instructed by the party.

Don’t understand or care about how SM operates
They love getting the votes and becoming President. Interestingly, they believe that one guy sitting with one laptop on the other side of the Ocean can make and dismantle the US Presidency … but then they don’t want to believe of how it is done. They believe that … if I write in their favor then they will get support … and they believe that if I write against them, then shit happens. But they don’t want to believe of how all of this happens. They choose to selectively remain ignorant, run disasters and self-destruct.

Just like the word “Establishment” defines major corporations … just like the word Establishment points to an existing entity but at the same time it doesn’t define an accurate actual address or entity … just like the word Establishment is a concept that points to certain elements … similarly … the word SM … Silent Majority … defines the American People … in fact, it defines every single “Active Citizen” in any corner of the world who steps forward within his or her capacity to lead the Nation and to decide what is right for the Nation. Similarly, the word SM doesn’t have an actual existence that you can verify … it is also a concept that points to tens of millions of groups spread across every single city and town in America.

The Establishment generally defines those entities who are involved in negative and destructive activities via their corporations. SM defines those Active Citizens who are involved in positive and constructive activities using facts and logic in every sphere of life.

An alternate realm integrated into the real world
These are the very simple basics of an alternate realm integrated into the real world. This is not a parallel universe … just like the Establishment refers to real corporations in the real world … similarly, the SM Network refers to real people in the real world in several spheres of life.

Active Democracy
I did not design the Establishment or the SM Network … all of it pre-existed when I got involved. I designed, activated and pushed forward the concept of Active Democracy … where every single citizen steps forward to lead their Nation … to support what is right and to stop what is wrong. I am the brains and designer of the very form of Democracy that you live in … of the Democracy that you want to be President in.

Shark in the Ocean
A shark might be a big and powerful fish … but what’s more powerful than the shark in the Ocean is … the Ocean itself. A shark can never fight the water that it lives in. That’s how SM is trained to operate … via networks. That’s how Presidencies are made and dismantled.

You might be an Establishment criminal or you might be a fraudulent and disastrous President … for SM, you are just another fish in the water. Whether you will get tossed in jail or you will supported and given the White House … SM decides … SM decides based on facts and logic.

Barack doesn’t understand SM operations
The problem with Barack is that … he only looks at our work as a lottery … he is only interested in getting the Presidency … and then he goes on a looting and killing spree. This only infuriates every Active Citizen that voted for him and gave him power. We told him so many times … SM is furious … you will lose the Presidency.

Mr. Barack doesn’t really care … he doesn’t understand SM … he doesn’t understand who they are or how they operate … he doesn’t care about solving any of America’s crisis … he only loves the billions that he can make by being a party puppet and by holding on to the White House. And then he is surprised … why he lost the election to Trump … why did people from every single voting group … it might be Black, White, Latino, Women … every single group voted for Trump. He doesn’t understand how this happened. He thinks that he is a great President who people follow … stupid idiot.

Its selective ignorance
This is nothing but selective ignorance … he cares to learn and understand only what gives him the votes and power … and then he doesn’t give a shit of why he was given the Presidency … what he has to work on … which crises he is supposed to solve … Barack doesn’t give a shit about any responsibility. He wants the Presidency only to go on a looting and killing spree. Its selective ignorance.

They choose to remain ignorant … they choose to remain morons … they choose to go on a looting and killing spree … they refuse to solve any crisis … they refuse to cooperate to do anything great for America … they facilitate only disasters for America and the world … and then they are surprised as to why they lost the Presidency … which only shows the kind of super morons they are.

I don’t dismantle … they mostly self-destruct
Before I dismantle … they should know that they have already “self-destruct”. My dismantling process is generally showing you … why your Presidency will be terminated … who will terminate your Presidency and how they will terminate it. I am not the one who told you to go on a looting and killing spree … I am not the one who told you not to work with me and remain a puppet of your party … all of these were your choices … you self-destruct.

I told you this would happen and you didn’t believe. You are responsible for your own selective ignorance.

Barack is a self-serving greedy party puppet
We are not technically cursing anyone … they are just accurate descriptions. The major problem that America has in the top leadership is Barack Obama. He is a liar and a fraud … who is selectively ignorant of how things operate. He facilitates party puppetry and is in it only for the loot. He has no intention of changing America at all.

We should keep his moral science speeches aside and see who he really is. If he had any care or concern for the American people then the first thing that he would do is get in touch with … understand the current crises … and immediately start working on each crisis. But does he do that? He spent 8 years of his Presidency in looting and killing … and he spent 4 years of the Biden Presidency also in looting and killing.

He only sits there hatching one excuse after another … not to work with us … contains America in all of its crises … remains a party puppet … loves the loot and power that he gets from the current system … he has zero intention of changing anything. “Screw the American people … I love everything as it is” … this is Mr. Barack Obama. This is the biggest problem that America faces in top Democrat leadership … we have liars and frauds like Barack who don’t want to change anything.

Trump is not the problem … he could actually be the solution for America … the main problem is with the Democrat party with leaders like Barack who don’t give a shit about the people.