Barack, the Cuckoo President
Barack has fallen so behind Trump in leading America … in using logic and reason … in making the right decisions … in understanding Establishment malice … in warding off disasters … that not only he is being seen as a freakin moron … but he is being seen as “President Cuckoo”. And all of the candidates that he is guiding and training are turning out to be Cuckoo Leaders.

A small challenge for Barack Obama
Here is how you can verify how Cuckoo you are. A simple challenge for you is … go to any media channel … or call for a press conference … and then … “condemn Trump’s victory and say that the right candidates to lead America are Biden and Harris”.

This is exactly what you were doing on the campaign trail along with Biden and Harris, isn’t it? Yeah, do it again. Go out there and condemn Trump being President and say that … “the Democrat Party’s policies were right and the right people to lead America are Biden and Harris”.

Just do this … and all of America will tell you what kind of bonkers you are … how freakin crazy you are … and you will become the laughing stock for all of America. Don’t believe me? Go ahead and try it Mr. Barack … the great two term US President … go ahead and try it. Lol.

From freakin moron to President Cuckoo
During the Biden Presidency, all SM Groups were saying that … “you were a freakin moron with no balls and brains to lead America … that you were a thief, a liar and a fraud.” Why was this? Because everyone expected you to be the most learned person in Washington when it comes to Establishment malice and everyone expected you to lead America out of the Establishment crises and take America into a new era. But you turned out to be a freakin fraud … a liar and a thief … who doesn’t give a shit about the problems of the American people … a freakin party puppet who goes on a non-stop looting and killing spree. This is exactly what your image was during the Biden Presidency.

That’s why, I was informed during Biden’s second year itself that … this shit show leadership is going to be terminated, if they don’t correct their ways. But you held on strong to your loot, killings and disasters … and championed disastrous policies as the right thing for America and the world. Thus, you confirmed your title of being a “freakin moron” … who can’t use logic and reason at all, at any level whatsoever.

Now, there is a good news and a bad news for you. The good news is that … you have finally come out of this level of being a freakin moron … no one sees you as a moron now. And the bad news is that … you have fallen to a lower level of being “cuckoo” … they see you as total nuts … as freaking karrrraaaazzzzyyy. Lol.

Why is that so? Because, after you screwed up the Biden Presidency … we had to bring back Trump in the White House … so that finally, decisions could be made using facts and logic again … so that disastrous wars can be terminated … so that disastrous multi-trillion dollar spending programs can be terminated … so that the right decisions can be made for America. And now, in this stage … after being kicked out of the White House for being freakin morons who could not use commonsense to do anything right … now, if you condemn Trump and praise your own leadership … people will think that you have gone cuckoo.

Harris has a loose screw?
That’s why, everyone was questioning if “Harris is in her right state of mind” when she was whining about Trump’s victory and trying to pull supporters behind her. If you continue on this same track … if you continue to condemn Trump and follow party puppetry … and stick to disastrous policies and war … everyone will think that you guys have gone crazy.

Don’t believe me? Go ahead and try it. Never again anyone will allow shit shows like you guys near the
White House again.

Barack’s major blunders
Let’s try to explain Mr. Barack the major issues of his leadership.

  • Over-estimating yourself. Your first major problem is that … you over estimate yourself. You think yourself as a great two term President. The good news for you is that … you are right about your title. The bad news for you is that … you are the biggest walking talking disaster on the planet, as of now. No living human being has created a debt of $25 Trillion and killed millions of people again and again because of their incompetence like you. You are the biggest incompetent moron alive today. You need to stop being a big headed asshole.
  • Relying on moral garbage. Morals and principles are good when you use them to make the right decisions for the people … but they are garbage when you use them only to pull votes and go on a looting spree. You think that you can keep on lecturing people on morals while looting by the trillions and killing by the millions. Nobody gives a shit about your moral garbage speeches when you can’t use commonsense and logic to do what is right.
  • Relying on sexual garbage. Another major blunder is … you rely on sexual garbage not to work with us … you rely on sexual garbage thinking that Trump will not get elected. So, who is the current President Elect? A Pornstar banger. I told you hundreds of times … nobody gives a shit about anyone’s sexual life … its all about the people and making the right logical decisions for the people. That too, you stick to sexual garbage for others when you yourself are a Bimbo Banger. I don’t understand why do you have to be a moron in every single way.
  • Indirect Signals. Another great formula that you stick to is … giving us indirect signals for cooperation … when in reality … you don’t give a shit about working with us because your party will not allow you to dismantle the current systems. You are a freakin party puppet who doesn’t have the permission to do anything against the Establishment … you can’t do anything without the party’s permission. You are a liar and a fraud who gives us signals for cooperation only to get votes and win the White House … and then you do whatever shit your party says and go on a looting spree. This shit show gimmick is not going to work anymore. Everybody knows the liar and a fraud that you are.
  • Active Democracy. You think that there is one person on the other side of the Ocean with one laptop that makes Presidents … if you get my support then you get the Presidency. But you fail to understand the active, dynamic and spontaneous nature of democracy that you live in because of which all of this happens. You are stupid moron who just waits for the lottery without understanding how the system works. You just want the Presidential lottery without understanding the current systems and without any responsibility to solve the people’s crises.
  • Threats and abuse. To add to all of the above, when we show the shit show leader that you are … the disasters that you are creating for the people … you start abusing me physically via chemicals and electric fields … and you start abusing me financially. That’s like holding a gun to my head … “hey, keep on blowing my horn so that I can keep on looting and killing the people”. Yeah right … screw you Barack Obama … go screw yourself asshole.

Just look at all of your blunders above … read them again and again … as long as you will stick to these blunders … no one will allow you anywhere near the White House. Yes, you can die as a US President, if that’s what makes you feel happy … but bear in mind, you will also die as the biggest walking talking disaster of our time.