Understanding how Obama operates – Screw morals, follow money and power
If you want to understand how Barack Obama and his gang operates … then you have to screw morals and follow money and power. You have to leave aside all topics of sex, bimbo banging and whatever … and you have to follow how money and power operates … then you will fully understand what they are doing and you will also know what they will do next.
Money and power are two elements that control politics to a great extent. Yes, there are also the elements of morals and conscience … but most of the junk that is there in Washington … they don’t operate based on morals and conscience. If they did, then we would be in a different world today. We wouldn’t have leaders who warm up their pockets by funding needless wars that destroy the lives of millions of people.
So, let’s leave aside … for a while … the topic of sex, bimbos, morals and principles of whoever it might be … and understand the more basic and foundational elements of money and power … how do these elements control politics and how is everything interconnected.
Tracking the element of Power
Money is actually a secondary element … the more important element is “power”. We told Trump not to “dip his pen in company’s ink” … don’t get comfy with government employees and in government buildings. Because these buildings, including the White House, are very closely tracked by the Establishment. When you get comfy and start sleeping around with whoever … its then that power evaporates from your hands into thin air even before you know it.
Either you get completely decimated and removed from power via a major sex scandal … with sex tapes, videos and photos and what not … or you become a total rubber stamp of the Establishment. You do what the Establishment says … or the Establishment pulls your pants down in the public for everyone to see who you were banging. Either you remain in power as a puppet or you get eliminated from power via a series of sex scandals.
Barack Obama is a rubber stamp of the Democrat Party
Why? Because President BimboBang BumBama was busy banging around whichever bimbos that came easy for him. It seems White mommy’s boy loves some White lovely ass for himself. The Establishment caught Mr.BumBama with his pants down … with not one but with a series of bimbos … and voila! They have a perfect puppet at an extremely crucial place for themselves.
This is not about Barack not having morals or a conscience when making decisions for the people … its not that he doesn’t understand right from wrong. All of the morals, the conscience, the fighting for the people, making change … all of it comes on one side when the element of “power” comes into motion. What conscience and morals are you talking about when you were caught with your pants down? What fight for the people are you talking about when the guy stands there with his pants down?
The moment the Establishment makes a “power move” … then all of your morals, conscience, decision making, right & wrong, fight for the people … all of it evaporates into thin air. Either you do what you are told or you are toast … you end up as a disgraced President for life.
Barack is powerless
You will find Barack Obama standing there making a multitude of excuses for not working with us … allowing all disasters and wars to happen … handing out trillions of taxpayer money to the same Establishment that he is supposed to dismantle. Why is this guy operating like this? Why doesn’t he think before he acts? Where is his conscience? Where are his morals? Why doesn’t he fight for the people to do what is right?
“Morals, conscience, a fight for what is right” … all of these are a luxury that Barack cannot afford. He stands there holding his pants tight with both of his hands … unable to say anything or do anything to solve any crisis that America faces. Barack is powerless.
Yes, Barack Obama might be a two term President … a top Democrat leader … it might seem that he has the powers of the President and a top Democrat leader … but the main person who controls Barack’s powers are the guys that can pull his pants down. That’s why … as President, Barack did whatever the party told him to … as a top Democrat, Barack does whatever the party tells him to … and when it comes to guiding and creating the next Presidents … it might be Warren, Biden or Harris … Barack still continues to make them follow the party.
Barack Obama doesn’t own the power that he has … he is just a puppet in that position of power. Having Barack in any position of power actually means handing over that position and that power to the Establishment.
Understanding Barack’s decision making
Now, understand why Barack Obama stands there making a multitude of excuses … including sex topics, family topics and whatever crap that he can think of … not to work with us. Why? Because our work is about dismantling the Establishment … and Barack Obama himself is a puppet of the Democrat Establishment.
I have openly challenged Barack Obama to stand up against his party’s policies of mass spending, trillions of spending on Climate Change and financing endless wars … and Barack never makes a single move. Why? He can’t let his pants go … he simply stands there mum and dumb holding tight onto his pants. Never makes a single move and allows all disasters to happen right in front of his eyes.
Tracking the element of Money
Recently, there is some news that Zelensky is talking about a ceasefire. Its not a confirmed ceasefire yet … but why do you think that a talk about ceasefire is even beginning? Biden got hundreds of billions in funding approved for Ukraine to fight against Russia … just very recently, Biden released the last batch of funding in this war … now, they are thinking about a ceasefire.
As long as they could pull hundreds of billions in funding on the pretext of fighting against Russia … as long as they could profit from the billions in weapons sales that would happen from this funding … it was extremely important to stand up to Russia. The moment the money is over … we can use our heads again … we can use some commonsense … and talk about a ceasefire.
All of these trillions of spending that Barack n Biden have done … they have spent $6 Trillion in excess … in several schemes … who do you think that the money goes to? Most of the money goes to the same Establishment that can pull down Barack’s pants and some of it goes into the pockets of Barack n Biden … so that they can happily hold their pants with a smile.
A blessed life with money and power – Establishment Puppet
When you look at things from Barack and Biden’s perspective … it’s a wonderful blessed life … with all the power that you can get and with all the money that you can make. So, why not be an Establishment puppet? Why really care about morals, values, principles, doing what is right or fighting for the people? Just let all disasters continue … let the trillions of mass spending continue … let the death and destruction in wars continue … and mint money at the same time.
Yes, welcome to the shameless shithole self-serving greedy rascals that Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the entire gang is. Now, you understand how their head operates … how they think and why they do what they do.
Its all about who controls their decision making … who has them in their pockets and then … how shamelessly they will chase money. This is how the Establishment uses “power and money” to control politics in a country.
Why do you think that I am asking you to vote for Trump?
Who has Trump in his pockets, you tell me? Who controls Trump … who has made a puppet out of Trump? No one … absolutely no one.
The first thing that the Establishment did to derail Trump in politics in 2016 was … unleash sex scandals … they tried to pull his pants. We knew exactly what it was … we told him … “don’t worry, the sex scandals will not affect your Presidency … stay strong and continue to fight … the sex scandals will vaporize”. The Establishment has thrown everything possible at Trump … let alone sex scandals.
They put him through several investigations, lawsuits, demonization, impeachment, indictments, convictions and even bullets. Is there anything imaginable or possible that they have not thrown at Trump? If Trump was a puppet would all of these activities be even required?
Look at BumBama … the Establishment doesn’t even need to lift a finger … the Establishment says “Be” … and BumBama says “Sir, yes sir!”
Do you think that this stupid incompetent bum will ever dismantle the Establishment? Forget about Barack lifting a finger against the Establishment … the Establishment itself doesn’t have to lift a finger to get Barack Obama at their service.
Dismantle exploitation systems, fight for the people, dismantle the Establishment … bla bla bla … this stupid asshole won’t do shit. Barack Obama is just a greedy self-serving incompetent moron … who the Establishment has grabbed by the balls … he can never lead America right. That’s why, whenever you ask him to take a step in the right direction … he will stand there making a multitude of excuses.
Don’t look at Michelle and expect Barack to be the same … they are worlds apart. It was the biggest mistake of my life … trusting an incompetent greedy moron to create a new world for billions of people. Stupid dumb ass moron.
The Establishment – Trump is the most dangerous President ever
Several Establishment elements call Trump “the most dangerous Presidents ever”. Why? Because when they try to pull Trump’s pants down … Trump is like … “What pants? She is not my type.” He would be openly like … yes, I have been banging around and she is not my type … and then he fights back … he doesn’t allow petty personal things to take over and control his life.
If you cannot control even petty personal things … how the hell will you fight for billions of people and bring change in the world? Trump is not a guy holding his pants in the corner … while the Establishment is minting trillions and killing millions of people right in front of his eyes under his Presidency. This is the key difference between Barack, Biden, Harris and Donald J Trump. Trump has basic commonsense … a basic killer instinct to fight for what is right.
It’s a must to get rid of these incompetent greedy self-serving morons from the White House. Its been 4 Presidential terms … and Barack Obama couldn’t do shit … we don’t need to see a 5th term where Barack Obama won’t do shit for the people. No thank you … vote Trump … please vote Trump.